
I am always getting questions about my creativity and my fashion sense. The questions are good and valid ones, things that before I'm asked I don't think about. These questions are from one of my friends on and they just so happened to be questions that I often get. I just want to share them with my bloggers just incase you all are wondering.

1. How do you choose your outfits? Do you plan ahead or just pick what you want the same day you are wearing it?
= Well I have to say both. I don't know if you've been to my blog lately or not but my last post was planned. Anytime I have to go out of town I definitely choose my outfits ahead of time b/c usually I'm in a rush when we get to our destination. (Ur probably saying well duh b/c u have to take clothes out of town! lol) But it's not that simple with me because I'll take extra tops and bottoms just incase I change my mind about an outfit the top or bottom. When I'm not going out of town but i have somewhere important to go or my church has a special day I'll have a pre-planned outfit because of the same thing, time, or at church we'll have to wear white or black or any other color so i have to think longer b/c i really hate white! lol. But if I'm going to school or the mall I'll pick out my outfit like 5 min before I leave.

2. Do you shop expensive, cheap or in between?
= All 3! lol. If I think that something isn't going to stay in the store long in my size I'll get it then and sometimes the price isn't too pocket friendly. but I mostly like to shop on the sales rack because you can get cute, inexpensive, and quality pieces! As for cheap I shop that too. I love Walmart and Target and Goodwill and... I just pair those pieces with the more expensive pieces  (remember those are mostly sales items) or expensive looking pieces. My motto is "IF IT'S CUTE, IT'S IN MY CLOSET!" I'm so not a brand person, though i love gucci (my pockets arnt gucci thick! lol). Even when I get to that status I'm still going to be best friends with Target! lol. I like to think my shopping budget looks like the bell shaped curve, a little expensive shopping, a lot of sales shopping, and a little cheap shopping! lol.

3. Where did you get your creativity from when it comes to fashion and putting your outfits together?
=I love runway styles and high fashion pieces so I make them "plus size friendly" and most of all ME! A lot of times I credit my creativity to my size but I've always tried to not dress the same as everyone else. I believe that God has given me the talent to be creative. No, I'm not saying that someone else can't do what I do, but the way that I do it is truly mine (what God gave to me).

4. Do you shop alot or just buy those essential pieces that can be worn in many different ways?
=I shop A LOT!!! lol. I also buy staple items (essential pieces). I have a love for clothes! I really need to stop but I just love clothes! lol (HELP ME LORD! LOL). The funny thing is I have a lot of clothes but I have my favorite pieces so a lot of my clothes get forgotten! That's bad huh?! lol... I know.

5. What advise would you give to a person who is new to fashion and who's daring to be different in their style?
=My advise is to look in the magazines at the hot celebs and the trends and make them your own. Don't be afraid to be different, don't be afraid to try something new. First start out by looking at the Instyle and Seventeen mags they have great ways to put things together. Another important thing to look good while being different, is making sense while being different. Make sure that you have a flow. Look at Rhianna vs. Lil Mamma. They are both different and trendy. But Lil Mamma is too random and too over the top. Rihanna is smart and different, it looks like there's a method to her madness! MOST IMPORTANTLY BE CONFIDENT IN WHAT U CHOOSE TO WEAR!

My vote is for Rhianna she looks classy, simple, and wonderful. But I must admit that Lil' Mamma is rocking her own fabulosity! I think both ladies made Betsey Johnson proud!


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